The Power of the Pain-Claim-Gain Content Strategy

Carlfred Giles

Why Change, Why You, Why Now? The Blueprint for Business Growth

The first critical question your audience needs to answer to spark genuine Business growth is simple: “Why change?” Why should someone break away from their status quo, engage with your content, listen to your pitch, or take any action? What makes your offer relevant and worthy of their attention?

Once you’ve nudged them out of that state of inertia and they recognize a need, their next question becomes: “Why you?” Of all the solutions and alternatives available, why should they consider what you offer?

Finally, the key question that drives action: “Why now?” Even after recognizing a need and acknowledging that you may be able to help, what’s stopping them from delaying that decision? Why should they take action today?

To guide your audience through this decision-making journey, you need to connect with their reality. It would help if you told a story that resonates with their worldview and makes them see you as part of their circle—someone who understands their pain, aspirations, and needs.

At Carlfred Radio Digital, we use the Pain/Claim/Gain framework to craft storytelling that aligns with the questions your audience is asking at each stage of the customer journey. This approach helps us ensure our content—whether it’s a blog post, website copy, landing page, or email—effectively answers those critical questions.

1. Pains: Understanding the Need for Change

The first step in your audience’s journey is recognizing that they have a problem. Something keeps them awake at night, a pain or pressure they must address. Maybe it’s external pressure to cut costs or boost efficiencies, or perhaps it’s personal—like the need to grow their influence within their company or avoid falling behind in their industry.

These pains drive the realization that something needs to change, answering the all-important question: “Why should I change?”

We often describe these pains as a combination of fears and dreams. Fears are the challenges and obstacles that make them feel stuck. Dreams represent the aspirations they’re struggling to achieve. Both play a crucial role in motivating action.

2. Claims: Building Trust and Credibility

After the need for change is clear, your audience will ask: “Why you?” This is the stage where they evaluate their options and weigh different solutions. Your job here is to present a compelling case—what claims can you make to show that you’re the right choice?

It’s time to highlight your superpowers. What makes you different? Are your claims original, unique, or special in any way? Do others endorse them? Can you back them up with proof? Your audience needs reasons to trust you, and your claims are the foundation of that trust.

3. Gains: Showing the Results

Once your customer has made a decision, it’s time to emphasize the gains. What problem will you solve for them by offering your service? How will your solution relieve their pain or help them achieve their dreams?

Demonstrate the impact of your service with data, vivid examples, and testimonials. Show them the real, tangible results they can expect by working with you. This is also where you create urgency, answering the final question: “Why now?”

By delivering on your promise, you solve your customers’ pain and turn them into loyal brand advocates.

At Carlfred Radio Digital, we leverage the Pain/Claim/Gain framework to develop content addressing these crucial questions at every customer journey stage whether it’s guiding prospects through your sales funnel or nurturing existing clients, understanding Why Change, Why You, and Why Now is key to unlocking growth.

Published On: September 24th, 2024 / Categories: Carlfred Giles, Carlfred Radio Digital, Inbound Marketing /

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